Month: June 2018

Sign Up & Login App using Android Architecture Components

Anybody looking for a simple app that does the following :

  1. When the App is launched for the first time, it needs to you to sign up by providing a username and password.
  2. After that, the app asks you to login by verifying the provided username and password.

The code for the app can be found at in both Java and Kotlin. The app is written using the Android Architecture components in the following pattern :

LifeCycleOwner(Activity) -> ViewModel -> Repository -> Database using Room Library

These are the benefits I found using this architecture for the app :

  • Eliminating problems due to configuration Change
  • Avoiding writing tons of boilerplate code
  • Avoiding memory leaks
  • Data persistence
  • Scalable. Separation of concerns allows changes to be made easily in any component without affecting the whole app. not showing anything!

I recently came across this fact:

Inside a button On Click, I am trying to show a toast like below

Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "My message to show!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Clicking on the button, did not show any toast. This is what I learnt as things to remember when showing a toast while debugging this issue :

  1. Make sure not to forget to call show() after the makeText.
  2. Check for the Context , if its the right one.
  3. The most important one , make sure your Android Notifications are on for your app, else the Toast will not be shown.